Prospecting Like A Machine

When your peers watch you, they see you prospect like a machine.  Nothing stops you from the hunt.  As a result, prospecting consistency smoothes out the hills and the valleys of sales production.  Your sales revenue rises and falls at an average equal to or above your goals. When people look over your shoulder, they…


This is where it begins.  With goals and standards.  With clear job descriptions.  With a push the boat off from shore – do not look back decision – about what we are about. New hires can smell the certainty of direction – the clear, unconfusing signals – the here’s what we’re about purpose of the…


Great coaches believe the individual will win and the team will win.  What they do and say, when behind or ahead of goal, whether near defeat or after a loss, builds confidence in future achievement. This is not to say that they coach in a King Arthur Camelot world of unreality.  No, great coaches are…


How do great coaches go about their work? With passion – with energy.  You can look at them and see the working spirit of committed hope.  You can see the early morning rise and the late evening commitment when the load is great on everyone. When they speak, it may not be with a great…

Powerpoints That KILL Or SELL

or Beyond Bullet Points by Cliff Atkinson (see: beyond bullet points)                … I remember the overhead projector and transparencies of the 70’s.  And, I remember presenters who loved their transparencies – talking to them – expressing their content.  These presenters never saw the folks who slept though their work…