An Old Key Worth Using

Today, It was my privilege to interview a seasoned veteran for a new sales job.  As I listened to his answers to my rather “structured interview,” I began to learn – to hear the wisdom of dedicated years … … and, I was reminded.  Wisdom resides mostly with those who have tried several doors in a…


Ah … maximum productivity and results???  The driven question. Results come from activities.  Activities leading to results are steps in a system.  A system contains a person working a process with its tools and skills. And, the system is driven by beliefs and attitudes.  Do we want something?  Do we value excellence?  Do we see…

Social Drive In GREAT Salespeople

Research scientists have found “Social Drive” to be a core characteristic for high performing sales reps.  The scientists who create validated personality profiles may use different terms for being socially engaged. Salespeople who are driven socially will want to be out among people in networking events. They love to go toward people – especially if…